Integrated English for Effective Communication (IEEC) Reading and Literacy 7

Integrated English for Effective Communication Second Edition provides the learner the
holistic approach in developing 21st-century skills through a variety of selections that build the different areas of reading comprehension, vocabulary development, grammar and writing proficiency, listening comprehension, speaking fluency, and viewing appreciation.

Each skill opens up with an essential question to engage students’ inquiry in the material
presented. Lessons are organized into interdisciplinary themes to allow the learners to appreciate and comprehend various activities that build creativity, critical thinking, and communication.


Ria Karla A. Arana-Formentera
Mark Gleen O. Cidro, EdD
Patriluz C. Manongsong

Coordinator: Alce M. Sentones, EdD

The series presents a comprehensive package in complementing the Language Curriculum Framework key stage three through an integration of knowledge, skills, and processes presented in the MATATAG English standards and competencies, which are designed to prepare students to become better communicators as they appreciate the multifaceted works of literary, informational and transactional texts.

Dr. Ernesto Y. Sibal was one of the few Filipinos in academic publishing who can irrefutably lay claim to these three titles—Patriot, Pioneer and Innovator. A staunch patriot, Dr. Sibal fiercely advocated the vision of designating Filipino-authored books for young Filipino learners. This vision was enabled by the establishment of Alemar’s Bookstore in 1958, and through the foresight and drive of Alegria Rodriguez, who shared in the vision of her husband, she helped galvanize then fledgling Alemar's Bookstore as the place to go for textbooks and school needs, propelling it to become the first established bookstore chain in the country.



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