IEEC Reading and Literacy 1
The Integrated English for Effective Communication (IEEC)
Third Edition offers a holistic approach to teaching English language
arts by seamlessly combining reading and literacy, enhancing
vocabulary, promoting grammar awareness, improving writing
skills, and fostering oral language fluency from. In line with the
Department of Education’s MATATAG Curriculum, it is designed to
integrate knowledge, skills, and processes for learning the English
language while being exposed to resources that show a rich cultural
This approach empowers students to become discerning readers
and skilled writers, fostering strong communication abilities. As a
result, learners not only develop a reflective appreciation for their
local culture but also gain respect for other diverse cultures.
Louie G. Mendoza
Ace Lyn U. Miranda Karen Grace H.
Zablan Mark Gleen O. Cidro, EdD
Coordinator: Alce M. Sentones, EdD
Worktext, Teachers Wraparound Edition, Blended Learning Resources